In 2015, Emidio Ciotti, an entrepreneur dedicated to the environmental sector for over 30 years, decided to “go back to his origins”, that is to do those activities that he had seen his father do in the countryside since he was a child, taking care of the land and dedicating himself to the production of oil and wine. In recent years the family has always managed the activities directly, with innovative and sometimes courage Jous choices, but always maintaining unchanged the respect for the traditions and the territory. Today the company is divided into different sectors: the environmental one, where Giacomo Ciotti carries on the activity undertaken by his father, and the restaurant and hotel sector presided over by the daughter Anastasia Ciotti who, with the support of his partner Manuel Pasquali, takes care of eno-agritourism part. The family: the dream comes from here, from an amazing territory made of long sea coasts and snow-capped mountains, in the middle a vast landscape made of gentle hills from which the fruits of the land are born. The Agorà group create their dimension with 3 main brands: Palazzo Ciotti, Agorà Olive Ascolane and Terre d’Arengo.