With fifty-seven member companies and six hundred wineries involved, a representation exceeding 80% of certified production and an incidence of 55% on the global production of regional wine, the Consorzio Vini Piceni is the association for the protection of Rosso Piceno Doc , Falerio Doc, Terre di Offida Doc and Offida Docg. Since 2002 the Consortium, now chaired by Giorgio Savini and directed by Armando Falcioni, has been committed to enhancing and promoting the Piceno wine product in Italy and abroad, also through the management of community and regional funds linked to the sector. The 56 members, entrepreneurs directly involved in one or more phases of production of the protected Doc and Docg, packaged around 7 million bottles in 2022, of which over 100 thousand certified hectolitres. In recent years, they have achieved important numbers and results by focusing on native and organic production, adopted by two thirds of its member producers. The largest production in terms of bottles concerns Rosso Piceno (3.13 million), followed by Offida Docg (about 2 million), Falerio (1.83 million) and the small Terre di Offida (33 thousand). The wines from Passerina and Pecorino (vine varieties at the basis of the Offida Docg, Falerio and Terre di Offida Doc denominations) have recorded a surge in sales in the large-scale distribution in the last three years, increasing respectively by 92% and 55%. This increase is also supported by a good positioning of the average price.